
Showing posts from October, 2019

Spooky Halloween Touch-the-body-parts Story

Having a few girls over for Halloween tonight, and I wanted to do a lovely spooky feel box for them. I remember my Mom and Dad doing this for us when we were little, and they always nailed the ambiance.  I looked online for stories and decided it would need to be more authentic to have a chance of scaring them. Plus, then I could memorize it to add some realness. So... they already know I'm kooky and not afraid of gross stuff and I like to garden... So here is my story if you too need one to tell tonight. MWA HA HA HA HA! You guys, I haven’t told anyone about this, but when I was pulling up the zucchini plants today, I found a bone.   (chicken bone boiled clean) I thought it was an animal bone, but then I found a few teeth. Those must be raccoon teeth I thought. (popcorn kernels and sunflower seeds) I stuck in my rake and pulled up stringy hair. A fox or a cat. There’s a totally reasonable explanation, I said to myself.   (rice noodles) I scooped more dirt, and saw

Zombie Prom - Halloweensie 2019

Time for Susanna Hill's annual Halloweensie contest where she challenges us to write a tiny Halloween story of 100 words or less!  Sooooooo..... I had some Halloweensie issues this year, reminiscent of a few years ago when I used the words from the wrong year (my capacity for error is high!) I started one story with witches, which is still cooking in my cauldron. But it's 300 words, and it would take too long to boil off 200.  A second middle grade idea came, and I worked happily on it, rhyming my lines, and reading with oozing teen angst. I finished it in under 100 words. Then, I realized I completely neglected to use the CONTEST WORDS (cobweb, trick, potion.) So, I yelled, "MONSTER FLAMING PUMPKINS!" (or something like that)  And I got back to work. So here is my entry (and after that, the original if you're interested in the dudes I had to kill off in the final.) Haunted Halloween Hop  By Lauri C. Meyers Needing a date for the Hallowe

The Witch's Cat

Kaitlyn Sanchez is hosting a Fall Writing Frenzy ! She has selected a bunch of fall images to inspire writers for a quick 200 word or less piece. Prompts are a lovely way to get your writing hand moving, especially when it has been a bit lazy lately. This thoughtful cat image sparked my imagination. The Witch’s Cat By Lauri Meyers The black cat leapt from the witch’s bed to his perch in the wood windowsill. His whiskers twitched in the night breeze. The full moon told him his witch had only a few breaths left. What would he do tomorrow? He wouldn’t need to gather the mint for her spider tea. She wouldn’t ask him to guard the door while she chanted or to yowl when the potion for ever-lasting-love boiled. The supply of toad warts were running low. He could catch some toads, but why bother when there was no one to scrape off the warts? Perhaps he would find that brown mouse who had been stealing the lizard tails. He would leave it by her bed in her honor.