
Showing posts from December, 2019

Santa's Christmas Wish

I've had cookie crumbs on my lip for three days straight, so it must be Christmas! That means wrapping presents, singing about hippopotamuses, and writing for S usanna Hill's annual Holiday Contest!  The rules: Write a children's holiday story under 250 words about a holiday treat.  I want to take a quick second to wish everyone the time to be present in the joy of the holidays, a few calming breaths when the traffic gets heavy, and to graciously receive a gift literal or figurative they didn't expect. Happy Holidays! Here's my story:  Santa's Christmas Wish "Handlebar moustache last year... pork chops this year?" (by Julia Freeman-Woolpert via Santa knew the toy-making days were few when he opened a letter from Charlotte. He guessed she would wish for the dancing video game or those headphones without wires. The elves would complain about this last-minute coding, but Santa knew dancing and keeping her B in socia