Persistence Party

I’ve had a touch of stinkifunkitis in 2015. (No this isn’t the same as the funkysmellitosis I’m also suffering from after a very sweaty yoga class.) My word of the year in 2014 was REVISE. And I revised my patootie off. But this January my revision brain is on vacation. I tried to work it with ReViMo , with medium success. I tricked it into revisions by rereading and analyzing manuscripts when not in front of the computer. Unfortunately, none of the changes are getting finalized into nice final drafts. So when I read Romelle Broas’ blog post this morning – Confessionsof a Writer: So Close Yet So Far - which opens with this: I have a confession to make. Lately, I've been plagued by doubt, fear, and nonsense talk. I found myself yelling, “OMGollygee, ME TOO!!” Misery loves company, and boy does it feel good to know I’m not the only one facing a lot of self-doubt. But this ain’t no Pity Party. Nope… This is a Persistence Party. After we pin th...