A Holiday Mystery... Who ATE the Fruitcake?

Susanna Hill hosted her annual Holiday Contest with the theme of a Christmas Mystery. Stories have to be written for children and 250 words or under. My story snuck away with an Honorable Mention for the contest as a whole like a Christmas bat with a nibble of dried cherry:) Read the winners here ; they were so good! Please enjoy... Fruitcake Bandit ( 250 words) By Lauri Meyers Bits of berries? Crunchy crumbs? Who chewed on the fruitcake?! Isn’t that festive blob just for show? The tradition is NOT eating it. Only someone who has never tasted gingerbread men and sugar cookies would make such a disastrous mistake. Could it be Judy? “Gaa bah!” she says. Nah, she doesn’t have teeth yet. Although, she does nibble her toes. I see a clue! The garland has fallen. The suspect must be tall. “Did you eat the fruitcake, Dad?” “I would never eat Mom’s fruitcake,” Dad says. “Because it’s too pretty…not because it tastes like nutty cardboard.” Whoosh! I feel a breeze! ...