
Showing posts from June, 2016

What are you working on?

I’m headed to NJ SCBWI summer conference this weekend, well, today actually. I love this conference! It is like a party with all your best friends who share a love of writing. There are friendly agents to crush on and editors to share dinner with. There’s an ever-flowing fountain of coffee and just a bit of wine. And there’s the opportunity to network with total strangers. No matter how much I practice my pitch for the agent pitch, someone in the bagel line will ask,  “What are you working on?” This question always knocks me on my heels. I feel like the only thing I am working on is remembering to breathe. Uhh...I’m installing a butterfly garden in at my daughter’s school. I’ve been studying tree identification for a sign installation at the park. I painted a gigantic map of the US on the playground which was significantly harder than I imagined. I have a big Girl Scout beach party Monday. (Shoot, I forgot to buy cups!) I work on laundry a lot. These are the thin