Staying Positive While Fighting Flying Monkeys (Interview with Steven Vannoy & Book Giveaway)

Staying positive is a big challenge for writers. Edit 20 times, feel nauseous licking the envelope, and then wait 4 months for a submission response. A yes means a two year journey of editing, marketing, illustrating, and printing before your book is in your hands. And then there are all the no's. How do you stay positive in the face of so much negativity? Enter the Energy Map*. Picture a circle. The circle is 100% of your time, energy, and potential. Some amount of your time and energy is spent on the front of the circle (the positive side), and some amount is spent on the back (the negative side). The front side of the circle is a beach. The sun shines brightly on your hammock swinging between two palm trees. Entertainment is provided by a lizard tasting the sea air with a flick of his tongue. The ocean is calm enough to wade up to your be...